Friday, May 23, 2008

The Mystical Significance of 49: Counting the Omer Between Passover and Shavuot

Counting the Omer:

Time spent with the Teacher moved more quickly than anyone would have liked. Yet, no matter how little time we had, his words burned into our minds and our souls and remain with us always . We all hear his voice to this day speaking to us from the inner quiet of our being.

He said, "The number 49 is a significant number. There are 49 days between Passover and Shavuot which Jews counts in a commandment known as "Counting the Omer." Know that there were seven days of creation, and therefore this number represents perfection and completion.

If you multiply 7 x 7 we arrive at purification which is expressed in the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot when the Torah was revealed in all its majesty to humanity. Had our people accepted the Torah as it was given to Moses, then Moses would have been the channel by which the "Messiah force" would have changed everything. In a twinkling of the eye, the next universe, the world to come, would have super-imposed over this imperfect world. Temporal time would have turnedinto the eternal time line.

This purifying time was also a representation of the need for us to learn to control the seven basic emotions that make all of us human.

Love (hesed in Hebrew) includes anything that pertains to this powerful emotion. Hesed is the first week, or the first seven days of the 49 days between Passover and the holiday of Shavuot.

The second week in counting the Omer is gevurah, which is the opposite of love--discipline, focus, and channeling.

The third week in counting the Omer is tiferet--the week of harmony and compassion. Though related to the first two weeks, it goes far beyond that. It is the first stage of empathy and compassion, not only for your own people or family, but also for strangers and even those who do not deserve mercy.

Netach is the week of victory, but in order to have victory over self, you need fortitude, ambition, and endurance.

Hod is splendor which causes the emotion of humility--the knowledge of the smallness of self in contrast to the "All". This balances Netzach.

Yesod is the sixth week and it is an emotion that causes bonding which is another step on the road to complete empathy. It is more than experiencing something from the outside, it is the foundation of becoming what you observe by bonding with it.

The final week is called Malchut which is Nobility or Kingship: This is nobility of character, directing one's phsyical nature to become subservient to his or her spiritual nature. In in our own individual way, we can each become so much more by bonding with the Noble Eternal Light . We can bring about the redemption of ourselves as individuals and the universe in which we are all fellow travelers.

1 comment:

Kazyle said...

I have been seeing this number continuously for five years straight now. This number has literally morphed me into who I am today. It lead me into a world of research which matured me at a rapidly fast speed. I feel as if this may be some answer to 49. The number of perfection eh, a truely significant number. I thought i was losing my mind, but maybe this number will make me one of the few sane people in this insane world.