Sunday, July 8, 2007

Our Children are Our Teachers

Our children can sometimes be our teachers.

One day my son called me outside.He pointed to the sky. Storks were migrating, making strange patterns over our home. My son told me they were looking for hot air which rises; on the hot air they would make their way to Syria without having to use their wings.

"Look their wings are not moving at all!"

Something can be learned from everything in the universe if we would only open our eyes, and this a son can do for his mother. Though we admire birds, and think they are much happier than we are, and certainly more free, they have troubles too.

It is very hard for birds to fly by their wings alone. They get exhausted; they get wing damage, and there are bird accidents in the skyways. If a migrating stork or goose gets carried away with himself, if he wants to show off for the females and he thinks he can get to Syria, Europe or Africa without submitting and surrendering himself to a greater power, he might find himself plunging to the earth below.

The storks had revealed a law of nature. They did not resist it or try to change it. They respected it. Submit. Surrender. Acquiesce to the law. So crystalline and clear! Despite the changes, the contradictory air streams in which we are always caught, hold steady and glide in a clear mind. The life force can carry you through life, through everything you do.

It is not like going to church or synagogue then coming out and doing everything in the same dull way you used to do. My son was showing me how to become aware, quiet and vigilant. I decided I would not let this message and lesson slip out of my hands. I would make it mine. I would cling to this law with all my heart and all my soul. An opportunity presented itself shortly after I saw the migrating birds.

Part Two coming soon! And do visit my website

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