Saturday, July 14, 2007

Doing the Chicken Asana Under Rifle Fire

All of the family was here one Sabbath. Estie fried up eggplant salad. Adi baked cakes and challot. I roasted chickens and sweet potatoes. Miriam poured buckets of water on the floor and then with a rubber-bladed mop, drew out all the dirt so the house shined.

We were so relaxed, so happy all day Saturday. But just as the Sabbath was going out, and I was thinking of whipping something up for dinner, gunshots and automatic fire, clip after clip just feet away. Frank, Shmulik and Yossi went racing out. Joshua stood guard at the entrance to our house with his pistol. Inside we only heard the terrible noise of shooting.

Adi and Estie quickly picked up Oriah and Shachar and with Miriam rushed into our reinforced second apartment. I was about to go with them when I stopped. This was the time to bring bird wisdom and Yoga into my life. This was the time of the test. I did an about face and went back into my kitchen. The shooting was intensifying and from the kitchen window I could not see where my sons and husband were. To stick my head out of the living room window would not be wise. The first regulation during a terrorist attack is "Do not go near windows!"

I took a deep and slow breath and opened the freezer. I was getting into a Yoga asana , a position of balance and poise. Steadying my hand that was shaking, overcoming my fear, I reached inside and found a package of chicken wings. I stood there for a moment, finding the stream of strength that runs through our blood, and it was there.

There are asanas named after birds. The Heron asana-- sitting on the floor, one leg bent behind, foot by the side of the hip joint: Other leg stretched up in the air and held by both hands. There is the Eagle asana and Crane too. The Crane one is hard. Squat, put your hands on the floor, then slowly tip forward putting your knees on your elbows.

Now try the Chicken Wing Asana. Stand straight and poised, feet together. Take out wings and do not get frightened by the fact that your sons and husband are in a gun battle with terrorists.

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