Thursday, January 17, 2008

From the Teacher to David: The Unity of God

I asked the Teacher to explain why divine name ELOHIM in Hebrew is in the plural. Why isn't God called called"EL" in the sungular form? The Teacher answered me like this:

"The Zohar teaches us that Rabbi Simeon, who wrote the Zohar, received a prophecy and this was it:

"When the most Mysterious wished to reveal Himself, He first produced a single point, which was transmuted into a thought, and in this, He executed innumerable designs, and engraved innumerable gravings. He further engraved within the sacred and mystical lamp a most holy design which was an edifice issuing from the middle of this thought. This is called in Hebrew "MI" (WHO). This thought became matter by creating a vessel for itself ("ELEH" in Hebrew or "these" in English). The letters of these two words intermingled to form a complete name ELoHIM. And once combined the name remained forever, and this was the word upon which the world was built.

"In his vision, Rabbi Simeon also understood saw that the sin of Israel as recorded in Exod. XXXII, 4--the making of the golden calf--further alludes to this mystery when they said "Eleh (these are) thy Gods, O Israel."

About ths golden calf, the Teacher said:

"The main sin of the Israelites was not only in making images, but also in interpreting God as a plurality. They did not understand that there is no plurality at all, only the combining of separate concepts into a unity.

"All is one. God is n everything and everything is in God."